6 Signs It's Time to Upgrade Your Commercial Laundry Equipment
Unfortunately, commercial laundry equipment doesn’t last forever. If one or more of your commercial washers or dryers is broken and can’t be repaired, it’s obvious that it needs to be replaced. However, sometimes you may need to replace laundry equipment that is still in good working order. How do you know when it’s time to invest in new equipment for your commercial laundromat? A lot of factors, including the age of the existing equipment and the needs of your customers, come into play. Here are some of our tell-tale signs that you should consider replacing your commercial laundry equipment:
1. Your laundromat’s utility costs are too high.
Utility costs are one of the largest expenses that commercial laundromat owners deal with. If your utility costs are higher than expected, it might be time to upgrade your laundry equipment. New commercial washers and dryers are much more energy- and water-efficient than their older counterparts. Upgrading to more efficient machines can help reduce the amount of water, electricity, and gas your laundromat uses - just one new commercial washing machine can save thousands of gallons of water per month. While the cost of new laundry equipment can be hard to swallow, these machines can save you money (and attract more eco-conscious customers), eventually paying for themselves.
2. Your laundry equipment looks old.
There’s no hiding outdated washers and dryers in your laundromat, and this can have a serious impact on your business. Old laundry equipment makes your entire laundromat look old, no matter what paint color, decor, or other features you have to offer. When customers have multiple laundromats to choose from, they will generally gravitate to the option that looks modern and new.
3. Your equipment is constantly “out of order”.
Older equipment is more likely to break down and need expensive repairs. Not only does this cost you money, it limits your profits (customers can’t use machines that are “out of order”) and deters customers from returning. Even with proper maintenance, there comes a time when laundromat owners will need to replace older laundry equipment: discontinued parts and limited technical support add to the headaches and mounting expense.
According to the Coin Laundry Association, the accepted standard of useful life for commercial coin laundry equipment is as follows:
- Top Load washers (12 lbs. to 14 lbs.): 5-8 years
- Front Load washers (18 lbs. to 50 lbs.): 10-15 years
- Dryers (30 lbs. to 60 lbs.): 10-15 years
- Heating Systems: 10-15 years
- Coin Changers: 10-15 years
4. You’re lacking the technology customers want.
Technology changes quickly and the laundry industry is no exception. The technological advances in the industry have been substantial in recent years and can help improve security, boost efficiency, and increase customer loyalty. One major change is the smart card, credit card, and app-based laundromat payment systems that are replacing old coin-operated systems. Customers prefer the convenience of digital payments while going cash-free (or cash-lite) is safer for your staff. Other useful modern technology includes programmable controls, advanced wash cycles, and energy-saving modes. Keeping up to date with modern technology can help your laundromat stand out and attract customers. If your equipment is outdated and lacking attractive features, it might be time to update.
5. You’re not meeting the demands of your customers.
In our fast-paced society, nobody wants to spend all day in the laundromat. Long wait times and an inefficient laundromat layout or design will drive your customers away. Customers prefer large-capacity machines, which can handle bigger loads and get their laundry done faster. Modern industrial washers and dryers are also more efficient, processing each load of laundry more quickly while delivering a better clean. Bonus: when your laundromat can turnover customers more quickly, you can serve more customers and increase your revenue.
6. You’re growing your laundromat business.
This one almost goes without saying. If you’re expanding your existing laundromat, moving to a bigger location, or opening additional locations, you’re going to need new commercial laundry equipment. You’re growing your business for a reason and you’ll need the right equipment that can attract and keep up with the new customers coming in. Even if your physical space isn’t getting bigger, growing demand means you need laundry equipment that can process loads faster and avoid long lines and excessive wait times.
Providing top-of-the-line commercial laundry equipment is important for continued customer satisfaction and, ultimately, the success of your laundromat. Replacing and upgrading your laundry equipment should be part of your ongoing business strategy to find and maintain success in the commercial laundromat industry.
Partner with Martin-Ray Laundry Systems
Martin-Ray Laundry Systems helps laundromats across Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, West Texas, and western Nebraska find success. If it’s time to upgrade your equipment, contact us to speak to a commercial laundromat expert today.
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